When I started the Talk Brands collective, I honestly wasn't sure where it was going to go nor how much interest it would attract.
I feel it's done what it was intended to do, which was to help promote and appreciate all our home grown, established or unestablished, brands in the UK. Whether they have been around for a while or only just starting out, I wanted to provide some sort of platform to help brands get the exposure they deserve.
I've had some great and positive feedback after the initial 10 week collective, so I have decided to continue the Talk Brands posts on a monthly basis. This way, young and evolving brands can get in touch whenever the time is right for them, and get their brands out there. It also means there is a lot more advice to come for those of you still unsure on whether or not to make the jump.
On that note, I'd like to introduce Freddie Jackson-Gali, 23, of Oh Boy Attire based in North Cornwall..
As designs always been an interest of mine, I wanted to try something different with it. So I started off with just a few designs on some paper about 8 months ago and got the printed onto t-shirts. The first sale really pushed me into the industry and I got a taste for it, so I started to work on new designs right away! Since then I’ve expanded the range from just t-shirts to hats, beanies and sweatshirts with many more to come this year.
How would you describe Oh Boy Attire?
Hmmm I would say it’s a mix of colourful, bold illustration and hand rendered type (pretty poor description, I know).
What is your favourite piece from your collection?
Definitely the grey Ice Cream t-shirt!
If you could sum up your brand in 3 words, what would they be?
Bold, Bright and Illustrative.
What for you has been the highlight of running Oh Boy Attire to date?
Receiving emails/posts about the brand, saying they really love it and it’s something different. Really makes you feel good knowing that something you created pleases others.
What do you do outside Oh Boy Attire?
I work as a waiter/barman at a restaurant, it bides my time when I’m not designing/dealing with orders and emails.
What is your favourite clothing brand, other than your own?
I think at the moment it would have to be anyforty. A great UK brand who do some wicked collaborations with other designers & artists!
Favourite brand of footwear?
Who would you most like to do a collaboration with and why?
What can we expect to see from Oh Boy Attire in the future?
Well I want to start to do more collaborations with music artists, clothing designers and artists to really branch out OBA, I have some names in mind but unfortunately you will have to wait and find out...
Besides from that I want to look at more products to expand the range (including backpacks, belts and some winter essentials) and get OBA out in public at events & festivals .
What, in your opinion, is the best thing about running your own brand?
For me it’s getting a new product out there. I like the whole process, designing it on paper, then moving onto computer then eventually you end up with a box at your door with the finished product you designed!
What advice would you give to someone who may want to start their own brand?
Definitely go for it, there’s so much opportunity now, just make sure you have the product!
Anything else you'd like to add?