Rebel Yuth AKA John Speed is a Sussex/London based illustrator, who was involved in the Bench #Lovemyhood campaign with me back in November. Since then Rebel Yuth has been very busy on other projects that I'm extremely excited to be sharing with you here on Talk Casuals.

His latest project was working with Cloth Store. Rebel Yuth illustrated Creep by Hiroshi Awai AW14 line in his distinct signature style. Rebel Yuth has said that in terms of the ideas behind the illustrations, he wanted to keep them quite fluid to echo the old style of Japanese artwork, which also ties in with the backdrops of the illustrations. They feature two modern Japanese backgrounds and two rural traditional backgrounds. This perfectly reflects the aesthetic of Creeps AW14 line; blending the modern with the traditional. 

Click Read More to check out Rebel Yuth's illustrations of his favourite pieces featured on the backdrop of the Japanese countryside and Tokyo City. You can also shop the CREEP by Hiroshi Awai AW14 Collection here.

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