Last Wednesday saw the launch of the latest collaboration for YR Store with Supermarket Sarah. #URBANTROPICANA is the love child of the two brands, both born and bred in Hackney London. We headed to Floor 1 of Topshop's flagship store in Oxford Street to enjoy cocktails and lots of summer vibes to celebrate the launch of the collection!

After enjoying the party, we made our way down to the basement to try out the new prints on the YR Store screens. Palm trees and coconut cocktails with bright and bold colours were amongst the options for our individual pieces, and again it was so much fun creating my own design! Check out the Talk Casuals twist on the YR Store x Supermarket Sarah collaboration. It took me a while to be happy with it, but it was printed live right in front of me! Thanks so much to them for our experience, can't wait to wear this whilst drinking a real life coconut cocktail!

See more pictures below! Make sure you #TalkCasuals if you get involved and create your own, we want to see!


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